What's new
- Changes to scripts for portability; should have no visible effects.
- Updated pointer support to work on some (many? Most?) 32-bit systems.
- Added shutdown_after_timeout feature. When set, this causes rEFInd to
attempt to shut down the computer rather than boot the default option when
the timeout value is reached. Note, however, that some computers will
instead hang or reboot when the timeout value is reached because they lack
support for the shutdown option.
- Fixed bug that caused portions of the "Pausing before disk scan; please
wait...." message displayed when scan_delay is set to a value over 1 to
remain on screen.
- Added support for JPEG images. These are most useful as background
(banner) images, since alpha/transparency is not supported. For that
matter, progressive, lossless, and other JPEG features are not supported,
either; see
https://keyj.emphy.de/nanojpeg/ for details.
- Added new use_nvram token, which defaults to true to mimic the original
behavior. When set to false, this option tells rEFInd to store its
variables (PreviousBoot, HiddenTags, HiddenLegacy, and Hidden tools, used
to enable booting the the previously-booted OS and to manage hidden OS
tags) on the hard disk rather than in NVRAM. Note that this token does NOT
affect rEFInd's reading NVRAM for non-rEFInd-specific variables, such as
the one holding the Secure Boot status.
- The "+" symbol in default_selection may now be placed anywhere in the
default_selection string to refer to the previous boot. For instance,
"bzImage,+,vmlinuz" now works, prioritizing any bzImage files over the
previous boot, but the previous boot over vmlinuz files.
- Added icons for Void Linux, Ubuntu 17.10, and Ubuntu 18.04.
- Copied the gummiboot icon (os_gummiboot.png) to os_systemd.png, so
that systemd-boot has an icon.
- Eliminated "Scanning for boot loaders; please wait" message from
initial boot scan, which seems to be universally disliked.
- Fixed bug that caused rEFInd to ignore refind.conf if the first
line was empty.