Ytdlp-interface v2.13.1 [28.07.2024]
Еще один интересный вариант качалки с YouTube и не только. Как собственно понятно из названия это графический интерфейс Windows для ytdlp , который разработан как простой загрузчик YouTube. Начиная с версии 1.2, интерфейс также принимает не-YouTube URL, поэтому теоретически его можно использовать для загрузки с любого сайта, который поддерживает yt-dlp. Есть выбор форматов, можно блокировать блоки спонсоров, для тех кто хочет попрощаться со зрением есть темный интерфейс и много чего еще. Не полный список поддерживаемых сайтов:17live17live:clip 1News: 1news.co.nz article videos 1tv: Первый канал 20min 23video 247sports: (Currently broken) 24tv.ua 3qsdn: 3Q SDN 3sat 4tube 56.com 6play 7plus 8tracks 9c9media 9gag: 9GAG 9News 9now.com.au abc.net.au abc.net.au:iview abc.net.au:iview:showseries abcnews abcnews:video abcotvs: ABC Owned Television Stations abcotvs:clips AbemaTV: abematv AbemaTVTitle: abematv AcademicEarth:Course acast acast:channel AcFunBangumi AcFunVideo ADN: animationdigitalnetwork Animation Digital Network ADNSeason: animationdigitalnetwork Animation Digital Network AdobeConnect adobetv adobetv:channel adobetv:embed adobetv:show adobetv:video AdultSwim aenetworks: A+E Networks: A&E, Lifetime, History.com, FYI Network and History Vault aenetworks:collection aenetworks:show AeonCo afreecatv: afreecatv afreecatv.com afreecatv:catchstory: afreecatv afreecatv.com catch story afreecatv:live: afreecatv afreecatv.com livestreams afreecatv:user AirTV AitubeKZVideo AliExpressLive AlJazeera Allocine Allstar AllstarProfile AlphaPorno Alsace20TV Alsace20TVEmbed altcensored altcensored:channel Alura: alura AluraCourse: aluracourse AmadeusTV Amara AmazonMiniTV amazonminitv:season: Amazon MiniTV Season, "minitv:season:" prefix amazonminitv:series: Amazon MiniTV Series, "minitv:series:" prefix AmazonReviews AmazonStore AMCNetworks AmericasTestKitchen AmericasTestKitchenSeason AmHistoryChannel AnchorFMEpisode anderetijden: npo.nl, ntr.nl, omroepwnl.nl, zapp.nl and npo3.nl Angel AnimalPlanet ant1newsgr:article: ant1news.gr articles ant1newsgr:embed: ant1news.gr embedded videos antenna:watch: antenna.gr and ant1news.gr videos Anvato aol.com: Yahoo screen and movies (Currently broken) APA Aparat AppleConnect AppleDaily: 臺灣蘋果日報 ApplePodcasts appletrailers appletrailers:section archive.org: archive.org video and audio ArcPublishing ARD ARDMediathek ARDMediathekCollection Arkena Art19 Art19Show arte.sky.it ArteTV ArteTVCategory ArteTVEmbed ArteTVPlaylist asobichannel: ASOBI CHANNEL asobichannel:tag: ASOBI CHANNEL AsobiStage: ASOBISTAGE (アソビステージ) AtresPlayer: atresplayer AtScaleConfEvent ATVAt AudiMedia AudioBoom Audiodraft:custom Audiodraft:generic audiomack audiomack:album Audius: Audius.co audius:artist: Audius.co profile/artist pages audius:playlist: Audius.co playlists audius:track: Audius track ID or API link. Prepend with "audius:" AWAAN awaan:live awaan:season awaan:video axs.tv AZMedien: AZ Medien videos BaiduVideo: 百度视频 BanBye BanByeChannel bandaichannel Bandcamp Bandcamp:album Bandcamp:user Bandcamp:weekly BannedVideo bbc: bbc BBC bbc.co.uk: bbc BBC iPlayer bbc.co.uk:article: BBC articles bbc.co.uk:iplayer:episodes bbc.co.uk:iplayer:group bbc.co.uk:playlist BBVTV: bbvtv BBVTVLive: bbvtv BBVTVRecordings: bbvtv BeatBumpPlaylist BeatBumpVideo Beatport Beeg BehindKink: (Currently broken) Bellator BellMedia BerufeTV Bet: (Currently broken) bfi:player: (Currently broken) bfmtv bfmtv:article bfmtv:live bibeltv:live: BibelTV live program bibeltv:series: BibelTV series playlist bibeltv:video: BibelTV single video Bigflix Bigo Bild: Bild.de BiliBili Bilibili category extractor BilibiliAudio BilibiliAudioAlbum BiliBiliBangumi BiliBiliBangumiMedia BiliBiliBangumiSeason BilibiliCheese BilibiliCheeseSeason BilibiliCollectionList BilibiliFavoritesList BiliBiliPlayer BilibiliPlaylist BiliBiliSearch: Bilibili video search; "bilisearch:" prefix BilibiliSeriesList BilibiliSpaceAudio BilibiliSpaceVideo BilibiliWatchlater BiliIntl: biliintl biliIntl:series: biliintl BiliLive BioBioChileTV Biography BitChute BitChuteChannel BlackboardCollaborate BleacherReport: (Currently broken) BleacherReportCMS: (Currently broken) blerp blogger.com Bloomberg BokeCC BongaCams Boosty BostonGlobe Box BoxCastVideo Bpb: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung BR: Bayerischer Rundfunk (Currently broken) BrainPOP: brainpop BrainPOPELL: brainpop BrainPOPEsp: brainpop BrainPOP Español BrainPOPFr: brainpop BrainPOP Français BrainPOPIl: brainpop BrainPOP Hebrew BrainPOPJr: brainpop BravoTV BreitBart brightcove:legacy brightcove:new Brilliantpala:Classes: brilliantpala VoD on classes.brilliantpala.org Brilliantpala:Elearn: brilliantpala VoD on elearn.brilliantpala.org bt:article: Bergens Tidende Articles bt:vestlendingen: Bergens Tidende - Vestlendingen Bundesliga Bundestag BusinessInsider BuzzFeed BYUtv: (Currently broken) CaffeineTV Callin Caltrans CAM4 Camdemy CamdemyFolder CamFMEpisode CamFMShow CamModels Camsoda CamtasiaEmbed Canal1 CanalAlpha canalc2.tv Canalplus: mycanal.fr and piwiplus.fr CaracolTvPlay: caracoltv-play CartoonNetwork cbc.ca cbc.ca:player cbc.ca:player:playlist CBS: (Currently broken) CBSLocal CBSLocalArticle CBSLocalLive cbsnews: CBS News cbsnews:embed cbsnews:live: CBS News Livestream cbsnews:livevideo: CBS News Live Videos cbssports: (Currently broken) cbssports:embed: (Currently broken) CCMA CCTV: 央视网 CDA: cdapl Cellebrite CeskaTelevize CGTN CharlieRose Chaturbate Chilloutzone chzzk:live chzzk:video cielotv.it Cinemax: (Currently broken) CinetecaMilano Cineverse CineverseDetails CiscoLiveSearch CiscoLiveSession ciscowebex: Cisco Webex CJSW Clipchamp Clippit ClipRs: (Currently broken) ClipYouEmbed CloserToTruth: (Currently broken) CloudflareStream CloudyCDN Clubic: (Currently broken) Clyp cmt.com: (Currently broken) CNBCVideo CNN CNNArticle CNNBlogs CNNIndonesia ComedyCentral ComedyCentralTV ConanClassic CondeNast: Condé Nast media group: Allure, Architectural Digest, Ars Technica, Bon Appétit, Brides, Condé Nast, Condé Nast Traveler, Details, Epicurious, GQ, Glamour, Golf Digest, SELF, Teen Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Vogue, W Magazine, WIRED CONtv CookingChannel Corus Coub CozyTV cp24 cpac cpac:playlist Cracked Crackle Craftsy CrooksAndLiars CrowdBunker CrowdBunkerChannel Crtvg crunchyroll: crunchyroll crunchyroll:artist: crunchyroll crunchyroll:music: crunchyroll crunchyroll:playlist: crunchyroll CSpan: C-SPAN CSpanCongress CtsNews: 華視新聞 CTV CTVNews cu.ntv.co.jp: Nippon Television Network CultureUnplugged curiositystream: curiositystream curiositystream:collections: curiositystream curiositystream:series: curiositystream CWTV Cybrary: cybrary CybraryCourse: cybrary DacastPlaylist DacastVOD DagelijkseKost: dagelijksekost.een.be DailyMail dailymotion: dailymotion dailymotion:playlist: dailymotion dailymotion:search: dailymotion dailymotion:user: dailymotion DailyWire DailyWirePodcast damtomo:record damtomo:video dangalplay: dangalplay dangalplay:season: dangalplay daum.net daum.net:clip daum.net:playlist daum.net:user daystar:clip DBTV DctpTv DeezerAlbum DeezerPlaylist democracynow DestinationAmerica DetikEmbed DeuxM DeuxMNews DHM: Filmarchiv - Deutsches Historisches Museum (Currently broken) DigitalConcertHall: digitalconcerthall DigitalConcertHall extractor DigitallySpeaking Digiteka DiscogsReleasePlaylist DiscoveryLife DiscoveryNetworksDe DiscoveryPlus DiscoveryPlusIndia DiscoveryPlusIndiaShow DiscoveryPlusItaly DiscoveryPlusItalyShow Disney dlf dlf:corpus: DLF Multi-feed Archives dlive:stream dlive:vod Douyin DouyuShow DouyuTV: 斗鱼直播 DPlay DRBonanza Drooble Dropbox Dropout: dropout DropoutSeason DrTuber drtv drtv:live drtv:season drtv:series DTube: (Currently broken) duboku: www.duboku.io duboku:list: www.duboku.io entire series Dumpert Duoplay dvtv: http://video.aktualne.cz/ dw: (Currently broken) dw:article: (Currently broken) EaglePlatform EbaumsWorld Ebay egghead:course: egghead.io course egghead:lesson: egghead.io lesson EinsUndEinsTV: 1und1tv EinsUndEinsTVLive: 1und1tv EinsUndEinsTVRecordings: 1und1tv eitb.tv ElementorEmbed Elonet ElPais: El País ElTreceTV: El Trece TV (Argentina) Embedly EMPFlix Epicon EpiconSeries EpidemicSound eplus: eplus e+ (イープラス) Epoch Eporner Erocast EroProfile: eroprofile EroProfile:album ERRJupiter ertflix: ERTFLIX videos ertflix:codename: ERTFLIX videos by codename ertwebtv:embed: ert.gr webtv embedded videos ESPN ESPNArticle ESPNCricInfo EttuTv Europa: (Currently broken) EuroParlWebstream EuropeanTour Eurosport EUScreen EWETV: ewetv EWETVLive: ewetv EWETVRecordings: ewetv Expressen EyedoTV facebook: facebook facebook:ads facebook:reel FacebookPluginsVideo fancode:live: fancode (Currently broken) fancode:vod: fancode (Currently broken) Fathom faz.net fc2: fc2 fc2:embed fc2:live Fczenit Fifa filmon filmon:channel Filmweb FiveThirtyEight FiveTV FlexTV Flickr Floatplane FloatplaneChannel Folketinget: Folketinget (ft.dk; Danish parliament) FoodNetwork FootyRoom Formula1 FOX FOX9 FOX9News foxnews: Fox News and Fox Business Video foxnews:article FoxNewsVideo FoxSports fptplay: fptplay.vn FranceCulture FranceInter FranceTV francetvinfo.fr FranceTVSite Freesound freespeech.org freetv:series FreeTvMovies FrontendMasters: frontendmasters FrontendMastersCourse: frontendmasters FrontendMastersLesson: frontendmasters FujiTVFODPlus7 Funimation: funimation funimation:page: funimation funimation:show: funimation Funk Funker530 Fux FuyinTV Gab GabTV Gaia: gaia GameJolt GameJoltCommunity GameJoltGame GameJoltGameSoundtrack GameJoltSearch GameJoltUser GameSpot GameStar Gaskrank Gazeta: (Currently broken) GBNews: GB News clips, features and live streams GDCVault: gdcvault (Currently broken) GediDigital gem.cbc.ca: cbcgem gem.cbc.ca:live gem.cbc.ca:playlist Genius GeniusLyrics GetCourseRu: getcourseru GetCourseRuPlayer Gettr GettrStreaming GiantBomb GlattvisionTV: glattvisiontv GlattvisionTVLive: glattvisiontv GlattvisionTVRecordings: glattvisiontv Glide: Glide mobile video messages (glide.me) GlobalPlayerAudio GlobalPlayerAudioEpisode GlobalPlayerLive GlobalPlayerLivePlaylist GlobalPlayerVideo Globo: globo GloboArticle glomex: Glomex videos glomex:embed: Glomex embedded videos GMANetworkVideo Go GoDiscovery GodResource GodTube: (Currently broken) Gofile Golem goodgame:stream google:podcasts google:podcasts:feed GoogleDrive GoogleDrive:Folder GoPlay: goplay GoPro Goshgay GoToStage GPUTechConf Graspop Gronkh gronkh:feed gronkh:vods Groupon Harpodeon hbo HearThisAt Heise HellPorno hetklokhuis hgtv.com:show HGTVDe HGTVUsa HiDive: hidive HistoricFilms history:player history:topic: History.com Topic HitRecord hketv: 香港教育局教育電視 (HKETV) Educational Television, Hong Kong Educational Bureau HollywoodReporter HollywoodReporterPlaylist Holodex HotNewHipHop: (Currently broken) hotstar hotstar:playlist hotstar:season hotstar:series hrfernsehen HRTi: hrti HRTiPlaylist: hrti HSEProduct HSEShow html5 Huajiao: 花椒直播 HuffPost: Huffington Post Hungama HungamaAlbumPlaylist HungamaSong huya:live: huya.com Hypem Hytale Icareus IdolPlus iflix:episode IflixSeries ign.com IGNArticle IGNVideo iheartradio iheartradio:podcast IlPost Iltalehti imdb: Internet Movie Database trailers imdb:list: Internet Movie Database lists Imgur imgur:album imgur:gallery Ina Inc IndavideoEmbed InfoQ Instagram: instagram instagram:story: instagram instagram:tag: instagram Instagram hashtag search URLs instagram:user: instagram Instagram user profile (Currently broken) InstagramIOS: IOS instagram:// URL Internazionale InternetVideoArchive InvestigationDiscovery IPrima: iprima IPrimaCNN iq.com: International version of iQiyi iq.com:album iqiyi: iqiyi 爱奇艺 IslamChannel IslamChannelSeries IsraelNationalNews ITProTV ITProTVCourse ITV ITVBTCC ivi: ivi.ru ivi:compilation: ivi.ru compilations ivideon: Ivideon TV IVXPlayer iwara: iwara iwara:playlist: iwara iwara:user: iwara Ixigua Izlesene Jamendo JamendoAlbum JeuxVideo: (Currently broken) jiocinema: jiocinema jiocinema:series: jiocinema jiosaavn:album jiosaavn:playlist jiosaavn:song Joj JoqrAg: 超!A&G+ 文化放送 (f.k.a. AGQR) Nippon Cultural Broadcasting, Inc. (JOQR) Jove JStream JTBC: jtbc.co.kr JTBC:program JWPlatform Kakao Kaltura KankaNews: (Currently broken) Karaoketv Katsomo: (Currently broken) KelbyOne: (Currently broken) Ketnet khanacademy khanacademy:unit Kick Kicker KickStarter KickVOD kinja:embed KinoPoisk Kommunetv KompasVideo Koo: (Currently broken) KrasView: Красвью (Currently broken) KTH Ku6 KukuluLive kuwo:album: 酷我音乐 - 专辑 (Currently broken) kuwo:category: 酷我音乐 - 分类 (Currently broken) kuwo:chart: 酷我音乐 - 排行榜 (Currently broken) kuwo:mv: 酷我音乐 - MV (Currently broken) kuwo:singer: 酷我音乐 - 歌手 (Currently broken) kuwo:song: 酷我音乐 (Currently broken) la7.it la7.it:pod:episode la7.it:podcast laracasts laracasts:series LastFM LastFMPlaylist LastFMUser LaXarxaMes: laxarxames lbry lbry:channel lbry:playlist LCI Lcp LcpPlay Le: 乐视网 Lecture2Go: (Currently broken) Lecturio: lecturio LecturioCourse: lecturio LecturioDeCourse: lecturio LeFigaroVideoEmbed LeFigaroVideoSection LEGO Lemonde Lenta: (Currently broken) LePlaylist LetvCloud: 乐视云 Libsyn life: Life.ru life:embed likee likee:user limelight limelight:channel limelight:channel_list LinkedIn: linkedin linkedin:learning: linkedin linkedin:learning:course: linkedin Liputan6 ListenNotes LiTV LiveJournal livestream livestream:original Livestreamfails Lnk LnkGo loc: Library of Congress loom loom:folder LoveHomePorn LRTStream LRTVOD LSMLREmbed LSMLTVEmbed LSMReplay Lumni lynda: lynda lynda.com videos lynda:course: lynda lynda.com online courses maariv.co.il MagellanTV MagentaMusik mailru: Видео@Mail.Ru mailru:music: Музыка@Mail.Ru mailru:music:search: Музыка@Mail.Ru MainStreaming: MainStreaming Player mangomolo:live mangomolo:video MangoTV: 芒果TV ManotoTV: Manoto TV (Episode) ManotoTVLive: Manoto TV (Live) ManotoTVShow: Manoto TV (Show) ManyVids: (Currently broken) MaoriTV Markiza: (Currently broken) MarkizaPage: (Currently broken) massengeschmack.tv Masters MatchTV MBN: mbn.co.kr (매일방송) MDR: MDR.DE and KiKA MedalTV media.ccc.de media.ccc.de:lists Mediaite MediaKlikk Medialaan Mediaset MediasetShow Mediasite MediasiteCatalog MediasiteNamedCatalog MediaStream MediaWorksNZVOD Medici megaphone.fm: megaphone.fm embedded players megatvcom: megatv.com videos megatvcom:embed: megatv.com embedded videos Meipai: 美拍 MelonVOD Metacritic mewatch MicrosoftBuild MicrosoftEmbed MicrosoftLearnEpisode MicrosoftLearnPlaylist MicrosoftLearnSession MicrosoftMedius microsoftstream: Microsoft Stream mildom: Record ongoing live by specific user in Mildom mildom:clip: Clip in Mildom mildom:user:vod: Download all VODs from specific user in Mildom mildom:vod: VOD in Mildom minds minds:channel minds:group Minoto mirrativ mirrativ:user MirrorCoUK MiTele: mitele.es mixch mixch:archive mixcloud mixcloud:playlist mixcloud:user MLB MLBArticle MLBTV: mlb MLBVideo MLSSoccer MNetTV: mnettv MNetTVLive: mnettv MNetTVRecordings: mnettv MochaVideo Mojvideo Monstercat MonsterSirenHypergryphMusic Motherless MotherlessGallery MotherlessGroup MotherlessUploader Motorsport: motorsport.com (Currently broken) MovieFap Moviepilot MoviewPlay Moviezine MovingImage MSN: (Currently broken) mtg: MTG services mtv mtv.de: (Currently broken) mtv.it mtv.it:programma mtv:video mtvjapan mtvservices:embedded MTVUutisetArticle: (Currently broken) MuenchenTV: münchen.tv (Currently broken) MujRozhlas Murrtube MurrtubeUser: Murrtube user profile (Currently broken) MuseAI MuseScore MusicdexAlbum MusicdexArtist MusicdexPlaylist MusicdexSong Mx3 Mx3Neo Mx3Volksmusik Mxplayer MxplayerShow MySpace MySpace:album MySpass MyVideoGe MyVidster Mzaalo n-tv.de N1Info:article N1InfoAsset Nate NateProgram natgeo:video NationalGeographicTV Naver Naver:live navernow nba nba:channel nba:embed nba:watch nba:watch:collection nba:watch:embed NBC NBCNews nbcolympics nbcolympics:stream NBCSports NBCSportsStream NBCSportsVPlayer NBCStations ndr: NDR.de - Norddeutscher Rundfunk ndr:embed ndr:embed:base NDTV: (Currently broken) nebula:channel: watchnebula nebula:media: watchnebula nebula:subscriptions: watchnebula nebula:video: watchnebula NekoHacker NerdCubedFeed netease:album: 网易云音乐 - 专辑 netease:djradio: 网易云音乐 - 电台 netease:mv: 网易云音乐 - MV netease:playlist: 网易云音乐 - 歌单 netease:program: 网易云音乐 - 电台节目 netease:singer: 网易云音乐 - 歌手 netease:song: 网易云音乐 NetPlusTV: netplus NetPlusTVLive: netplus NetPlusTVRecordings: netplus Netverse NetversePlaylist NetverseSearch: "netsearch:" prefix Netzkino: (Currently broken) Newgrounds: newgrounds Newgrounds:playlist Newgrounds:user NewsPicks Newsy NextMedia: 蘋果日報 NextMediaActionNews: 蘋果日報 - 動新聞 NextTV: 壹電視 (Currently broken) Nexx NexxEmbed nfb: nfb.ca and onf.ca films and episodes nfb:series: nfb.ca and onf.ca series NFHSNetwork nfl.com nfl.com:article nfl.com:plus:episode nfl.com:plus:replay NhkForSchoolBangumi NhkForSchoolProgramList NhkForSchoolSubject: Portal page for each school subjects, like Japanese (kokugo, 国語) or math (sansuu/suugaku or 算数・数学) NhkRadioNewsPage NhkRadiru: NHK らじる (Radiru/Rajiru) NhkRadiruLive NhkVod NhkVodProgram nhl.com nick.com nick.de nickelodeon:br nickelodeonru niconico: niconico ニコニコ動画 niconico:history: NicoNico user history or likes. Requires cookies. niconico:live: ニコニコ生放送 niconico:playlist niconico:series niconico:tag: NicoNico video tag URLs NiconicoChannelPlus: ニコニコチャンネルプラス NiconicoChannelPlus:channel:lives: ニコニコチャンネルプラス - チャンネル - ライブリスト. nicochannel.jp/channel/lives NiconicoChannelPlus:channel:videos: ニコニコチャンネルプラス - チャンネル - 動画リスト. nicochannel.jp/channel/videos NiconicoUser nicovideo:search: Nico video search; "nicosearch:" prefix nicovideo:search:date: Nico video search, newest first; "nicosearchdate:" prefix nicovideo:search_url: Nico video search URLs NinaProtocol Nintendo Nitter njoy: N-JOY njoy:embed NobelPrize: (Currently broken) NoicePodcast NonkTube NoodleMagazine Noovo NOSNLArticle Nova: TN.cz, Prásk.tv, Nova.cz, Novaplus.cz, FANDA.tv, Krásná.cz and Doma.cz NovaEmbed NovaPlay nowness nowness:playlist nowness:series Noz: (Currently broken) npo: npo.nl, ntr.nl, omroepwnl.nl, zapp.nl and npo3.nl npo.nl:live npo.nl:radio npo.nl:radio:fragment Npr NRK NRKPlaylist NRKRadioPodkast NRKSkole: NRK Skole NRKTV: NRK TV and NRK Radio NRKTVDirekte: NRK TV Direkte and NRK Radio Direkte NRKTVEpisode NRKTVEpisodes NRKTVSeason NRKTVSeries NRLTV: (Currently broken) nts.live ntv.ru NubilesPorn: nubiles-porn nuum:live nuum:media nuum:tab Nuvid NYTimes NYTimesArticle NYTimesCookingGuide NYTimesCookingRecipe nzherald NZOnScreen NZZ ocw.mit.edu Odnoklassniki OfTV OfTVPlaylist OktoberfestTV OlympicsReplay on24: ON24 OnDemandChinaEpisode OnDemandKorea OnDemandKoreaProgram OneFootball OnePlacePodcast onet.pl onet.tv onet.tv:channel OnetMVP OnionStudios Opencast OpencastPlaylist openrec openrec:capture openrec:movie OraTV orf:fm4:story: fm4.orf.at stories orf:iptv: iptv.ORF.at orf:on orf:podcast orf:radio OsnatelTV: osnateltv OsnatelTVLive: osnateltv OsnatelTVRecordings: osnateltv OutsideTV OwnCloud PacktPub: packtpub PacktPubCourse PalcoMP3:artist PalcoMP3:song PalcoMP3:video Panopto PanoptoList PanoptoPlaylist ParamountNetwork ParamountPlus ParamountPlusSeries ParamountPressExpress Parler: Posts on parler.com parliamentlive.tv: UK parliament videos Parlview: (Currently broken) Patreon PatreonCampaign pbs: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and member stations: PBS: Public Broadcasting Service, APT - Alabama Public Television (WBIQ), GPB/Georgia Public Broadcasting (WGTV), Mississippi Public Broadcasting (WMPN), Nashville Public Television (WNPT), WFSU-TV (WFSU), WSRE (WSRE), WTCI (WTCI), WPBA/Channel 30 (WPBA), Alaska Public Media (KAKM), Arizona PBS (KAET), KNME-TV/Channel 5 (KNME), Vegas PBS (KLVX), AETN/ARKANSAS ETV NETWORK (KETS), KET (WKLE), WKNO/Channel 10 (WKNO), LPB/LOUISIANA PUBLIC BROADCASTING (WLPB), OETA (KETA), Ozarks Public Television (KOZK), WSIU Public Broadcasting (WSIU), KEET TV (KEET), KIXE/Channel 9 (KIXE), KPBS San Diego (KPBS), KQED (KQED), KVIE Public Television (KVIE), PBS SoCal/KOCE (KOCE), ValleyPBS (KVPT), CONNECTICUT PUBLIC TELEVISION (WEDH), KNPB Channel 5 (KNPB), SOPTV (KSYS), Rocky Mountain PBS (KRMA), KENW-TV3 (KENW), KUED Channel 7 (KUED), Wyoming PBS (KCWC), Colorado Public Television / KBDI 12 (KBDI), KBYU-TV (KBYU), Thirteen/WNET New York (WNET), WGBH/Channel 2 (WGBH), WGBY (WGBY), NJTV Public Media NJ (WNJT), WLIW21 (WLIW), mpt/Maryland Public Television (WMPB), WETA Television and Radio (WETA), WHYY (WHYY), PBS 39 (WLVT), WVPT - Your Source for PBS and More! (WVPT), Howard University Television (WHUT), WEDU PBS (WEDU), WGCU Public Media (WGCU), WPBT2 (WPBT), WUCF TV (WUCF), WUFT/Channel 5 (WUFT), WXEL/Channel 42 (WXEL), WLRN/Channel 17 (WLRN), WUSF Public Broadcasting (WUSF), ETV (WRLK), UNC-TV (WUNC), PBS Hawaii - Oceanic Cable Channel 10 (KHET), Idaho Public Television (KAID), KSPS (KSPS), OPB (KOPB), KWSU/Channel 10 & KTNW/Channel 31 (KWSU), WILL-TV (WILL), Network Knowledge - WSEC/Springfield (WSEC), WTTW11 (WTTW), Iowa Public Television/IPTV (KDIN), Nine Network (KETC), PBS39 Fort Wayne (WFWA), WFYI Indianapolis (WFYI), Milwaukee Public Television (WMVS), WNIN (WNIN), WNIT Public Television (WNIT), WPT (WPNE), WVUT/Channel 22 (WVUT), WEIU/Channel 51 (WEIU), WQPT-TV (WQPT), WYCC PBS Chicago (WYCC), WIPB-TV (WIPB), WTIU (WTIU), CET (WCET), ThinkTVNetwork (WPTD), WBGU-TV (WBGU), WGVU TV (WGVU), NET1 (KUON), Pioneer Public Television (KWCM), SDPB Television (KUSD), TPT (KTCA), KSMQ (KSMQ), KPTS/Channel 8 (KPTS), KTWU/Channel 11 (KTWU), East Tennessee PBS (WSJK), WCTE-TV (WCTE), WLJT, Channel 11 (WLJT), WOSU TV (WOSU), WOUB/WOUC (WOUB), WVPB (WVPB), WKYU-PBS (WKYU), KERA 13 (KERA), MPBN (WCBB), Mountain Lake PBS (WCFE), NHPTV (WENH), Vermont PBS (WETK), witf (WITF), WQED Multimedia (WQED), WMHT Educational Telecommunications (WMHT), Q-TV (WDCQ), WTVS Detroit Public TV (WTVS), CMU Public Television (WCMU), WKAR-TV (WKAR), WNMU-TV Public TV 13 (WNMU), WDSE - WRPT (WDSE), WGTE TV (WGTE), Lakeland Public Television (KAWE), KMOS-TV - Channels 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 (KMOS), MontanaPBS (KUSM), KRWG/Channel 22 (KRWG), KACV (KACV), KCOS/Channel 13 (KCOS), WCNY/Channel 24 (WCNY), WNED (WNED), WPBS (WPBS), WSKG Public TV (WSKG), WXXI (WXXI), WPSU (WPSU), WVIA Public Media Studios (WVIA), WTVI (WTVI), Western Reserve PBS (WNEO), WVIZ/PBS ideastream (WVIZ), KCTS 9 (KCTS), Basin PBS (KPBT), KUHT / Channel 8 (KUHT), KLRN (KLRN), KLRU (KLRU), WTJX Channel 12 (WTJX), WCVE PBS (WCVE), KBTC Public Television (KBTC) PBSKids PearVideo PeekVids peer.tv PeerTube PeerTube:Playlist peloton: peloton peloton:live: Peloton Live PerformGroup periscope: Periscope periscope:user: Periscope user videos PGATour PhilharmonieDeParis: Philharmonie de Paris phoenix.de Photobucket Piapro: piapro PIAULIZAPortal: ulizaportal.jp - PIA LIVE STREAM Picarto PicartoVod Piksel Pinkbike PinterestCollection pixiv:sketch pixiv:sketch:user Pladform PlanetMarathi Platzi: platzi PlatziCourse: platzi player.sky.it playeur PlayPlusTV: playplustv PlaySuisse: playsuisse Playtvak: Playtvak.cz, iDNES.cz and Lidovky.cz PlayVids Playwire pluralsight: pluralsight pluralsight:course PlutoTV: (Currently broken) PodbayFM PodbayFMChannel Podchaser podomatic: (Currently broken) Pokemon PokemonWatch PokerGo: pokergo PokerGoCollection: pokergo PolsatGo PolskieRadio polskieradio:audition polskieradio:category polskieradio:legacy polskieradio:player polskieradio:podcast polskieradio:podcast:list Popcorntimes PopcornTV Pornbox PornerBros PornFlip PornHub: pornhub PornHub and Thumbzilla PornHubPagedVideoList: pornhub PornHubPlaylist: pornhub PornHubUser: pornhub PornHubUserVideosUpload: pornhub Pornotube PornoVoisines: (Currently broken) PornoXO: (Currently broken) PornTop PornTube Pr0gramm PrankCast PrankCastPost PremiershipRugby PressTV ProjectVeritas: (Currently broken) prosiebensat1: ProSiebenSat.1 Digital PRXAccount PRXSeries prxseries:search: PRX Series Search; 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Japan News YandexDisk yandexmusic:album: Яндекс.Музыка - Альбом yandexmusic:artist:albums: Яндекс.Музыка - Артист - Альбомы yandexmusic:artist:tracks: Яндекс.Музыка - Артист - Треки yandexmusic:playlist: Яндекс.Музыка - Плейлист yandexmusic:track: Яндекс.Музыка - Трек YandexVideo YandexVideoPreview YapFiles: (Currently broken) Yappy: (Currently broken) YappyProfile YleAreena YouJizz youku: 优酷 youku:show YouNowChannel YouNowLive YouNowMoment YouPorn YouPornCategory: YouPorn category, with sorting, filtering and pagination YouPornChannel: YouPorn channel, with sorting and pagination YouPornCollection: YouPorn collection (user playlist), with sorting and pagination YouPornStar: YouPorn Pornstar, with description, sorting and pagination YouPornTag: YouPorn tag (porntags), with sorting, filtering and pagination YouPornVideos: YouPorn video (browse) playlists, with sorting, filtering and pagination youtube: YouTube youtube:clip youtube:favorites: YouTube liked videos; ":ytfav" keyword (requires cookies) youtube:history: Youtube watch history; ":ythis" keyword (requires cookies) youtube:music:search_url: YouTube music search URLs with selectable sections, e.g. #songs youtube:notif: YouTube notifications; ":ytnotif" keyword (requires cookies) youtube:playlist: YouTube playlists youtube:recommended: YouTube recommended videos; ":ytrec" keyword youtube:search: YouTube search; "ytsearch:" prefix youtube:search:date: YouTube search, newest videos first; "ytsearchdate:" prefix youtube:search_url: YouTube search URLs with sorting and filter support youtube:shorts:pivot:audio: YouTube Shorts audio pivot (Shorts using audio of a given video) youtube:subscriptions: YouTube subscriptions feed; ":ytsubs" keyword (requires cookies) youtube:tab: YouTube Tabs youtube:user: YouTube user videos; "ytuser:" prefix youtube:watchlater: Youtube watch later list; ":ytwatchlater" keyword (requires cookies) YoutubeLivestreamEmbed: YouTube livestream embeds YoutubeYtBe: youtu.be Zaiko ZaikoETicket Zapiks Zattoo: zattoo ZattooLive: zattoo ZattooMovies: zattoo ZattooRecordings: zattoo ZDF ZDFChannel Zee5: zee5 zee5:series ZeeNews: (Currently broken) ZenPorn ZenYandex ZenYandexChannel ZetlandDKArticle Zhihu zingmp3: zingmp3.vn zingmp3:album zingmp3:chart-home zingmp3:chart-music-video zingmp3:hub zingmp3:liveradio zingmp3:podcast zingmp3:podcast-episode zingmp3:user zingmp3:week-chart zoom Zype Ytdlp-interface v2.13.1 x32https://mega.nz/file/xfBXSSTQ#_xiKfQWH6WVTjQIWEKaTZ...-JKBwrmG3xoUDRrQYtdlp-interface v2.13.1 x64https://mega.nz/file/AKYxFTCR#FcWiYXQoX1viZyz0NZ9Et...pCwc5BupNaWtpQFULast edited by a7777777 on 2024-07-29 12:34; edited 1 time in total |
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- если в помещении светло, то предпочтительным является размещение черного текста на светлом фоне. - если в помещении темно, то светлый текст на черном фоне. Вся фишка в гармонии, так сказать, экран/окружающая среда. Когда долго читаешь светлый текст на черном фоне в обычном светлом офисе, возникают "артефакты зрения" (черный прямоугольник "послесвечения" при отводе взгляда от экрана). Ну, и наоборот. |
Отправлено: 29-Jul-2024 19:03
(after 1 hour 26 minutes)
a7777777, опыт показывает, когда я на AutoIt3 кодил по 18 часов в сутки, что при белом оформлении через 4 часа усталость, через 12 часов невозможность, ну представь 12 часов на лампу пристально смотреть. Помню откладывал переход, так как нужно было привыкание к цветоощущению, мы ведь смотрим объектами, картинку-иконку мы легче воспринимаем чем вычитывание текста названия программы, так же и код, если инвертировать подсветку, то временная потеря восприятия кода, как если бы он был вообще не подсвечен, как в виндовом блокноте. К удивление привыкание у меня прошло быстро может быть 2 дня, на третий я уже читал код без какого либо препятствия. И что интересно усталость в глазах не появилась не через 4 часа .не через 12 часов, не через 18 часов. Через 18 часов наступала усталость сознания, но не глаз. Я аргументировал на нескольких сайтах и могу ещё раз аргументировать если потребуется.
103348если в помещении светло, |
Отправлено: 29-Jul-2024 19:53
(after 50 minutes)
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